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Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van onze artikels in nationale en internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften:
- De Couck M., Caers R. (2018). Why we should stimulate the vagus nerve in cancer. CLINICS IN ONCOLOGY (3)
- De Couck M., Caers R., Musch L., Giangreco A., Gidron Y. (2019). How breathing can help you make better decisions: Two studies on the effects of breathing patterns on heart rate variability and decision-making in business cases. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY (139), 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.02.011.
- Van Belle E., Caers R., De Couck M., Di Stasio V., Baert S. (2019). The Signal of Applying for a Job Under a Vacancy Referral Scheme.INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 58 (2), doi: 10.1111/irel.12230.
- Caers R., Akgul K., Baert S., De Feyter T., De Couck M. (2019). Too sick or not too sick? The importance of stress and satisfaction with supervisor support on the prevalence of sickness presenteeism. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics.
- Gidron Y., Deschepper R., De Couck M., Thayer J., Velkeniers B. (2018). The Vagus Nerve Can Predict and Possibly Modulate Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases: Introducing a Neuroimmunological Paradigm to Public Health. Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm7100371.
- Van Belle E., Di Stasio V., Caers R., De Couck M., Baert S. (2018). Why Are Employers Put Off by Long Spells of Unemployment?. EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 34 (6), Pages 694-710. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcy039.
- Reijmen E., Vannucci L., De Couck M., De Grève J., Gidron Y. (2018). Therapeutic potential of the vagus nerve in cancer. IMMUNOLOGY LETTERSdoi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2018.07.006. (professional oriented).
- De Couck M., Caers R., Spiegel D., Gidron Y. (2018). The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Cancer Prognosis: A Systematic and a Comprehensive Review. Journal of Oncology doi: 10.1155/2018/1236787.
- Gidron Y., De Couck M., Schallier D., De Grève J., Van Laethem J-L., Maréchal R. (2018). The Relationship between a New Biomarker of Vagal Neuroimmunomodulation and Survival in Two Fatal Cancers. Journal of Immunology Research, 2018 (4874193), doi: 10.1155/2018/4874193. (professional oriented).
- Deschepper R., Six S., Vandeweghe N., De Couck M., Gidron Y., Depoorter A-M., Bilsen J. (2017). Linking numbers to perceptions and experiences: Why we need transdisciplinary mixed-methods combining neurophysiological and qualitative data. Methodological Innovations on Line, 10 (2), 1-14.
- De Couck M., Cserjesi R., Caers R., Zijlstra WP., Widjaja D., Wolf N., Luminet O., Ellrich J., Gidron Y. (2017). Effects of short and prolonged transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate variability in healthy subjects. Autonomic Neuroscience-Basic and Clinical, 203, 88-96. doi: 10.1016/j.autneu.2016.11.003.
- De Couck M., Maréchal R., Moorthamers S., Van Laethem J-L., Gidron Y. (2016). Vagal nerve activity predicts overall survival in metastatic pancreatic cancer, mediated by inflammation. Cancer Epidemiology, 40, 47-51.
- De Couck M. (2015). Hersenzenuwactiviteit kan verloop van kanker voorspellen. De Artsenkrant, 18 (2404), 19-19. (professional oriented).
- VAN PUYVELDE, S., CAERS, R., DU BOIS, C. and JEGERS, M. (2016). "Managerial objectives and the governance of public and nonprofit organizations." Public Management Review 18(2): 221-237.
- VAN PUYVELDE, S., CAERS, R., DU BOIS, C. and JEGERS, M. (2015). “Does organizational ownership matter? Objectives of employees in public, nonprofit and for-profit nursing homes.” Applied Economics 47(24): 2500-2513.
- De Couck M., Nijs J., Gidron Y. (2014). You May Need a Nerve to Treat Pain The Neurobiological Rationale for Vagal Nerve Activation in Pain Management. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 30 (12), Art.No. 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000071, 1099-1105.
- Gidron Y., De Couck M., De Greve J. (2014). If you have an active vagus nerve, cancer stage may no longer be important. Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, 28 (2), 195-201.
- De Couck M., Van Brummelen D., Schallier D., De Grève J., Gidron Y. (2013). The relationship between vagal nerve activity and clinical outcomes in prostate and non-small cell lung cancer patients. Oncology Reports, 30 (5), Art.No. 10.3892/or.2013.2725, 2435-41.
- De Couck M., Gidron Y. (2013). Norms of vagal nerve activity, indexed by Heart Rate Variability, in cancer patients. Cancer Epidemiology, 37 (5), Art.No. 10.1016/j.canep.2013.04.016, 737-41.
- Caers R., De Feyter T., De Couck M., Stough T., Vigna C., Du Bois C. (2013). Facebook: A literature review. New Media & Society, 15 (6), 982-1002.
- VAN PUYVELDE, S., CAERS, R., DU BOIS, C. and JEGERS, M. 2013. “Agency problems between managers and employees in nonprofit organizations. A discrete choice experiment.” Nonprofit Management & Leadership 24(1): 63 – 85.
- De Couck M., Mravec B., Gidron Y. (2012). You may need the vagus nerve to understand pathophysiology and to treat diseases. Clinical Science,122 (7), Art.No. 10.1042/CS20110299, 323-8.
- VAN PUYVELDE S., CAERS R., DU BOIS C., and JEGERS M. 2012. "The governance of nonprofit organizations: Integrating agency theory with stakeholder and stewardship theories." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41(3): 431 - 451.
- DE FEYTER, T., CAERS, R., VIGNA, C. and BERINGS, D. 2012. “Unraveling the impact of the Big Five personality traits on academic performance: The moderating and mediating effects of self-efficacy and academic motivation.” Learning and Individual Differences 22(4): 439-448.
- CAERS R. and CASTELYNS V. 2011. “LinkedIn and Facebook in Belgium: The Influences and Biases of Social Network Sites in Recruitment and Selection Procedures.” Social Science Computer Review 29(4) : 437- 448.
- Caers, R., Vigna, C. & De Feyter, T. (2011). Recruitment and selection using social network sites. In: Yan, Z. (2011). Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, 2nd Edition, New York.
- CAERS R., DU BOIS C., JEGERS M., DE GIETER S., DE COOMAN R., and PEPERMANS R. 2009. “A micro-economic perspective on manager selection in nonprofit organizations.” European Journal of Operational Research 192(1): 173 – 197.
- DU BOIS C., CAERS R., JEGERS M., DE COOMAN R., DE GIETER S., and PEPERMANS R. 2009. “The link between board composition and board objectives: An empirical analysis on Flemish non-profit schools.” Managerial & Decision Economics 30(3): 173 – 182.
- DE COOMAN R., DE GIETER S., PEPERMANS R., HERMANS, R., DU BOIS C., CAERS, R. and JEGERS M. 2009. “Testing socialization and attraction-selection-attrition hypotheses.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 74(1): 102 – 107.
- DU BOIS C., CAERS R., JEGERS M., DE COOMAN R., DE GIETER S., and PEPERMANS R. 2009. “Agency Conflicts Between Board and Manager: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Flemish Nonprofit Schools.” Nonprofit Management & Leadership 20(2): 165 – 183.
- CAERS R., DU BOIS C., JEGERS M., DE GIETER S., DE COOMAN R., and PEPERMANS R. 2008. “Community nurses’ job satisfaction: a literature review.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 62(5): 521 – 529.
- DE COOMAN R., DE GIETER S., PEPERMANS R., DU BOIS C., CAERS, R. and JEGERS M. 2008. “Freshmen in nursing: job motives and work values of a new generation.” Journal of Nursing Management 16: 56 – 64.
- DE COOMAN R., DE GIETER S., PEPERMANS R., DU BOIS C., CAERS R. and JEGERS M. 2007. “Graduated teachers’ motivation for choosing a job in education.” International Journal for Vocational and Educational Guidance 7(2).
- DU BOIS C., CAERS R., JEGERS M., DE COOMAN R., DE GIETER S., and PEPERMANS R. 2007. “The non-profit board : a concise review of the empirical literature.” Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services) 30(1): 55 - 64.
- DE GIETER S., DE COOMAN R., PEPERMANS R., CAERS R., DU BOIS C. and JEGERS M. 2006. “The dimensionality of the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire : a validation study in Belgium.” Psychological Reports, 98: 640 – 650.
- DE GIETER S., DE COOMAN R., PEPERMANS R., CAERS R., DU BOIS C. and JEGERS M. 2006. “Identifying nurses’ rewards : a qualitative categorization study in Belgium.” Human Resources for Health 4(15).
- CAERS R., DU BOIS C., JEGERS M., DE GIETER S., SCHEPERS C., and PEPERMANS R. 2006. “Principal-agent relationships on the stewardship-agency axis.” Nonprofit Management and Leadership 17(1): 25 - 47.
- SCHEPERS C., DE GIETER S., PEPERMANS R., DU BOIS C., CAERS R., and JEGERS M. 2005. “How are employees of the non-profit sector motivated ? A research need.” Nonprofit Management and Leadership 16(2): 191 – 208.
- DU BOIS C., CAERS R., JEGERS M., SCHEPERS C., DE GIETER S., and PEPERMANS R. 2004. “Agency problems and unrelated business income of non-profit organisations : an empirical analysis.” Applied Economics 36(20): 2317 – 2326.
- DU BOIS C., CAERS R., JEGERS M., SCHEPERS C., DE GIETER S., and PEPERMANS R. 2004. “Objectives of non-profit organisations : a ‘managerial economics’ perspective.” Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services) 27(3): 288 – 302.